Condensing boiler technology Page 52

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14. Demonstration model - condensing boiler technology

During the project ZEBA has developed a demonstration model for condensing boiler technology (see graphic below). The demonstration model can be used in practice-oriented initial and continuing vocational training. With it students can easier understand the function of condensing boiler systems. Also, frequently occurring errors can be simulated and test measurements be performed. On the following pages the model and its function will be briefly presented.

Graphic: Demonstration model - condensing boiler technology

14.1 Components

14.2 Structure

The model is delivered ready for operation. The following two graphics show the model components and their arrangement.

Graphic: Condensing boiler model - Front view

English translation of technical terms and sentences of the diagram above:

Schautafel = Diagram
Feinregulierventil = Fine flow control valve
Gasflasche = Gas bottle
Modulträger = Module rack
Glasbrennkammer = Glass combustion chamber
Digitalthermometer = Digital thermometer
Durchflußmesser = Flow meter
Abgasrohr mit Lüfter und Kondensatfalle = Exhaust gas pipe with fan and condensate trap/collector
Kondensatfalle = Condensate trap/collector

Graphic: Condensing boiler model - Rear view


English translation of technical terms and sentences of the diagram above:

Spannungsversorgung = Voltage supply
Druckminderer = Pressure-reducing valve
Kugelhahn = Ball cock/tap


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