Solar energy technology Page 4

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2. The initial and continuing training of service technicians in solar energy technology

The increased customer demand for environment protecting energy technologies, especially for solar energy technology, makes it compellingly necessary to adapt the initial and continuing training in the solar, heating and air-conditioning sector to the new requirements. Very often the entrepreneur or company owner was exclusively responsible for the customer advisory, sales and planning of solar energy installations, particularly in small and medium sized companies. The reason for this was primarily that the service technicians or skilled workers of the respective companies simply did not have the technical knowledge or did not receive the corresponding continuing training to also be able to do these jobs. The currently occurring rapid changes of the basic economic conditions in the sector however, make it urgently necessary that especially the service technicians are being trained appropriately. So, they not only have to be able to install and maintain new technologies but in the near future they also should be able to secure valuable additional orders for their company through competent customer advisory at their work place or in the customer's home.

For these reasons the highest goal of the continuing training measures of this project is to provide the service technicians with all the knowledge and skills they need in order to being able to completely process a customer order on their own.

In general terms, the processing of a solar energy technology order includes the following steps:

All these points will at least briefly be discussed in the following text. The most important points will be discussed more in detail.


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